
Bristol Bordeaux Partnership: Appeal for Video Participants

Bristol Bordeaux Partnership: has teamed up with Bristol based Zanshin Films: to develop a personalised video library of Bordeaux experiences for inclusion on the Bristol Bordeaux Partnership website and social media channels.

We would love to hear from anyone interested in participating. We will be asking for participants to video themselves and to send in their content digitally for editing by Zanshin Films.

We would like to have some short 5 – 10 minutes of copy for the following questions:

Who are you and what do you do now?

When did you go to Bordeaux & Why?

What was the best/ most memorable moment of your trip/stay?

How are you still in touch with the Bordeaux or Aquitaine region and the people that you met?

What is your message today for anyone wanting to get to know Bordeaux for work or fun?

If you are interested in participating please contact: or leave a message on the Bristol Bordeaux Partnership website, Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin channels.

Alternatively please contact Zanshin Films: via the website.

Looking forward to hearing your tales.

Mike Healey

Bristol Bordeaux Partnership


Facebook: @BristolBordeauxPartnership


Twitter: @bristolbordeaux