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Our good friends at Community of Purpose recently posted tales of their recent Bristol2 Bordeaux adventure:
‘Bristol2Bordeaux 2023
This week we took 30 primary school children from Bristol to our twinned city, Bordeaux for a trip they will remember for their lifetime. For a lot of the children, it was their first time away and first time on an airplane.
The week included a football tournament, a tour of City Hall, tree climbing, and more! The children were able to travel, learn about diversity, inclusivity, football, and friendship and most of all they had fun!
Participating primary schools – Bannerman Road Community Academy, Glenfrome Primary School, Four Acres Academy, St Werburgh’s Primary School & Whitchurch Primary School.
Thank you to our sponsors, supporters, and wonderful volunteers!Lancer Scott Ltd, Fortice, Quartet Community Foundation, Olympian Homes, Made for Impact’
Made for Impact
#empoweringpeople#BristolTogetherChampionships#bristoltogether#bristol#bordeaux#Bristol2BordeauxAssociation Bordeaux-BristolBristol Bordeaux Partnership